Best of Everything Box & Mini Fun Folds Card

December Bonus Project created by Sharon for Craft Project Central.
Have you ever noticed how so many things look cuter when they are little?  Here’s a quick and easy box and three different fun fold cards scaled down to 3" x 3" size!  Included are a Free Standing Card, Twisted Easel Card, and a Crisscross Pocket Card.  Put them all in the adorable little box that is so cute you won’t want to give it away, but instead will want to keep it for yourself.  This project is a fun class project to kick off your new year!  

This is December's Bonus Project on Craft Project Central. To get the instructions for Sharon’s project, just subscribe to December and meet one of the bonus project requirements of, subscribing to two or more months in a row, putting the Craft Project Central badge on your blog, or referring a friend and when they subscribe, letting CPC know. 
